How to Upgrade Asus Zenfone 5 Jelly Beans to Kitkat version

How to Upgrade Asus Zenfone 5 Jelly Beans to Kitkat version

 The lollipop firmware will come out soon so we did a research on social media sites and we find out that other user of Asus Zenfone 5 is in the Jelly Beans version so we are now post a clear instruction on How To update Asus Zenfone 5 From Jelly Bean to Kitkat version, a lot of user having trouble with this update we cannot blame because its their choice to stay in jellybean, we will clear to you on how to update your Asus Zenfone with this Article..

 First we need know is the information of you device version . But where we can find this? well its easy just go to setting -> software information and find the Build number now you will see the version example is ASUS_TOOJ/TOOF _WW/TW _user_1.18.40.10_..etc this if your in jelly bean android version this V1.18.40.10 must the exact Build Number tha you will see

If you wan a clean install of jelly bean before flashing kitkat version this is option or if you experience problem flashing kitkat version with our tutorial or if your build number is not the some with our tutorial

Version V1.18.40.10(WW)

now lets proceed in our main topic for today

Instruction of how to Update Jelly beans to Kitkat version you have several option for doing update let enumerate this option.

Option A.

1. Download a OTA update and rename to
2. The OTA update is small size update this update will patch your jelly beans to kitkat 2_19_40_18 version and how to flash this wel read below
3. Option A-1 flashing using internal Memory card Download the OTA file and place it on Root of Internal SDCARD location /storage/sdcard0 you can see above i attach a image on where the location must be place the OTA firmware
5. after placing the OTA firmware reboot your phone a new notification will be pop up for update and follow the instruction..

Option B

1. Download the Full Firmware
2. this option will flash the full firmware of first kitkat version of asus zenfone 5 same in Option A place in Internal memory and reboot new pop up of update notification will show.

Option C

1. if Option A and Option B is not working with you this option we will use computer to flash The kitkat firmware 
2. This option is required ADB installer and Intel Driver in order to pass the firmware in our device and we expect you already have it
3. Place in any folder that you think your comfortable to use and see and open a CMD windows by holding Ctrl + shift and right click inside the folder and choose on context the open command windows here you will see a CMD wind is open 
4. Reboot your Asus Zenfone 5 in Recovery,
5. how to enter in Recovery follow this while phone is off press and hold power + volume down this will enter you in recovery with android display to enter on recovery menu pres and hold again the volume down and quickly press the volume up with releasing the hold of volume down
6. now your in recovery menu choose the update via adb in menu and insert the usb in your computer and follow this command and type in your CMD window

adb sideload

7. Wait until You will see in you recovery menu complete install and your done Updating Your Jelly Bean to Kitkat

 as we explain the above instruction on how to update you asus Zenfone in Kitkat version choose your option in this tutorial after flash the your in First kitkat version to update in latest release you can do in setting check for update to update your kitkat in latest version and prepare for upcoming lollipop version...

 We love to hear your voice that we help you if you have comment and problem just drop down on our Comment Box...

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