
Showing posts with the label fantastic

Fantastic Exciting Imaginative zine

Fantastic Exciting Imaginative zine A different perspective... Fantastic Exciting Imaginative is a new zine of con tent for Holmes Basic or any old - D&D, compiled by Jon Wilson (aka bygrinstow) of the Appendix M blog. Co nt ributors were drawn from G+ and include Jon, Paul Wolfe, JV West, Robert Fairbanks, Shane Ward, Tony A. Rowe, James George, Robyn George, Grandpa Chet, and myself. Jon is the primary artist , with one piece each by Denis McCarthy and Chris Holmes (!) The name comes from Holmes first line in the Introduction to the Basic Rulebook: "Dungeons & Dragons is a fantastic, exciting and imaginative game of role playing for adults 12 years and up". For the t heme, Jons b rilliant idea was to compile material inspired by each piece of art in the Basic rulebook (2nd/3rd edition) by the artists David C. Sutherland III, Dave Trampier and Tom Wham. Multiple contributions per artwork were a ccepted . For instance, my main contribution is the Regal Liz...